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Welcome to the
maker community!

Scratch Tactile is an open source resource that we encourage you to create yourself!

Find everything you need below.

Do it yourself!

Bloques y tableros

Do it yourself

Scratch Tactile is an open source resource that we encourage you to create yourself or ask for help from a hobbyist friend or a nearby makerspace!


Scratch Tactile has been designed following the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, to be useful and fun to the maximum number of diverse learners.


Below you will find all the open designs to create your own Scratch Tactile.

Blocks and boards

The first and most important thing is to have the blocks and boards. You can create them with these designs, both with 3D and 2D technologies.

Scratch Tactile logo Jun 2024.png

2D Block Designs

Scratch Tactile logo Jun 2024.png

3D Block Designs

Scratch Tactile logo Jun 2024.png

2D Board Designs

Scratch Tactile logo Jun 2024.png

3D Board Designs

Elementos básicos

Basic elements

Thanks to the characters, you will bring your stories to life! In addition to the tangible elements or the mask, which we recommend you use in the activities, here you can find the designs of the main elements to print in 3D:

Scratch Tactile logo Jun 2024.png

Cat and Butterfly 3D

Scratch Tactile logo Jun 2024.png

Backgrounds to print

Scratch Tactile logo Jun 2024.png

Bases for creating 3D
characters in plasticine

Scratch Tactile logo Jun 2024.png

More 3D characters

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-02 a las 18.40.58.png
Guía de fabricación

Manufacturing Guide

Discover how to make Scratch Tactile and transform the way you interact with technology! With the step-by-step guide, you can build your own kit quickly and easily, opening the doors to a world full of possibilities in tactile interaction.

No matter your level of experience, this exciting project will inspire you to unleash your creativity and innovation. It's the perfect time to let your imagination run wild and take your ideas to new heights!

Encuentra un espacio

Find a space

If you want to create the Scratch Tactile kit, you can request support from a makerspace or FabLab near you. That's why we're compiling existing makerspaces on the map below. If you know of makerspaces you'd like to add to this map, please contact us .

The design of the boards and the tactile programming blocks have been created by the design team of the non-profit organization THEAD System, SCCL and this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The blocks are based on ScratchJr blocks.

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