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 Make a donation 

Scratch Jr Tactile It is a reality thanks to the support of our donors.


Since December 2022, 50 schools, libraries, special education schools and other educational organizations have received the Scratch Jr Tactile for free.

Yes If you want to help schools with students with disabilities, highly complex or with few resources receive free Scratch Jr Tactile kits, we invite you to support the project.

Your support will help us provide children around the world with opportunities to imagine, create, share and develop the skills that will improve their lives in the future.

We welcome donations of all sizes, large and small. You can support Scratch Jr Tactile by making a donation here. You can also contact us here.

Help us translate

Announcing the Scratch Jr Tactile Translators Program! 🌍

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Scratch Jr Tactile Translators Program, an initiative aimed at making Scratch Jr Tactile accessible in even more languages. We're calling on passionate volunteers to join us in this mission and help reach more children worldwide. German and Portuguese are already in the making!

What You Need to Know

New Feature: The “Scratch Jr Tactile Translators Program Guide” is available for interested parties. Contact us to get full access. You will then receive a special document with helpful tips and instructions you need to become a translator.

Get Involved: Volunteers can contact us directly via email at or fill out our contact form (below).

Support and Resources: We'll provide comprehensive support and resources, including Zoom meetings for deeper collaboration and guidance.

Recognition: Translators will receive a special badge to showcase their contribution to this global community.​


Contact Form




Let's work together to bring Scratch Jr Tactile to even more learners around the world! 🌐

Feel free to share and spread the word!

Contact us

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